New Look, Hopefully for Fewest New Years Possible

We have done some serious updating and renovations of all of our materials. From the website appearance, through factual data in the articles, the arguments in the visual arguments, new and renewed answers in the FAQ, and most importantly – we updated our Manifesto.

This renovation as well as this blog, are part of our efforts to make our ambitious project more accessible and comprehensive.

We realize that the idea itself is not at all new to most activists but on the contrary, many activists wish for this world to be destroyed. Many activists say they would press the button when asked the hypothetical question. But unfortunately very few are willing to stop focusing on their tiny spot of influence, to stop looking for ways to make a few more vegans and start looking for ways to stop all of the oppressors from causing all of the suffering.
Though we’ve risen from the animal liberation community, in this site we offer various arguments to debunk several key notions in the activism circles. For example, the thought that global veganism is the moral idle to pursue, or that advocacy efforts of any kind – in the face of continual mass violence – is the nonviolent course of action. Also, our materials elaborate on why the reliance on human liberation struggles is mostly false and always extremely naïve and optimistic.

Our goal in establishing the End All Suffering movement is to turn this hypothetical abstract wish into an actual ideology and goal. Our vision is to form a conceptual, philosophical and substantial practical activist agenda which doesn’t passively long for a “doomsday” event, but looks for ways to actively bring it.

We formed the suffering abolition initiative in order to call on activists to cease the futile and compromised attempt of making this world slightly less horrific by trying to change humans, and start looking for a deep-rooted, comprehensive approach for the world suffering.

We realize that the fact that the problem is so immensely huge that it’s almost impossible to really grasp, leads many activists to passively think big but actively work small. We want to change that so activists would think huge and act huge. Think global and act global.

We know how big, complicated and ambitious this aspiration is, and that the chances may be small. But we also know that if no one tries, it will never happen. That’s why we are addressing other activists, trying to convince them to join the suffering abolition movement. We are calling activists to put the advocacy leaflets down and pick up a leaflet of a relevant science faculty. The so desirable button won’t fall out of the sky, we must to create it.

May we have the fewest new years possible.

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